South African regime rebukes ZANU PF over ‘irresponsible’ statement

Aaron Motsoaledi
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South African cabinet ministers have condemned a statement issued by ZANU PF’s South Africa District criticising the neighbouring country’s government for alleged failure to combat the killing of foreign nationals.

Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi and Police Minister Bheki Cele described the statement as irresponsible.

ZANU PF-SA’s statement came after Elvis Nyathi, a Zimbabwean national was brutally murdered by a vigilante group in Diepsloot, Johannesburg, on Wednesday night.

While ZANU PF-SA said it respects the South African security services and other government departments, it questioned how such a crime could be committed “unchecked”.

It said: “It is therefore worrisome that a group of people can take the law into their hands and harass foreign nationals from African countries with impunity.

How vigilante groups in a country that has a whole functional police service and home affairs department, carry out unsanctioned activities unchecked resulting in loss of property and lives is unfortunate.

Motsoaledi and a visibly angry Cele were in Diepsloot on Friday where they held an hours-long meeting with community leaders before addressing residents over the high crime rate in the area.

The two ministers said that South Africa is not targetting foreign nationals but all criminals regardless of their nationalities.

More: Pindula News