gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Prof. Mthuli Ncube set to be appointed Vice President – The Zimbabwe Mail

Prof. Mthuli Ncube set to be appointed Vice President

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Former Cabinet Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo has sensationally claimed that President Emmerson Mnangagwa wants to appoint Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube to be the next Vice President of Zimbvbwe.

In a tweet posted on Monday Moyo said “If he were to have his way, @edmnangagwa would handpick @MthuliNcube  and Monica Mutsvangwa as his Vice Presidents. That’s his dream. He’s scheming around the clock to make it come true. The top Cdes who enabled his November 2017 power grab have become his number one enemies!”

Members of Parliament have been pressuring President Mnangagwa to appoint a Vice President to replace Kembo Mohadi.

On Monday Presidential Spokesperson George Charamba told private media that the nation will  have to wait for President Emmerson Mnangagwa to appoint a Vice-President in his own time.

“How does the Legislature force the hand of the Executive? On what basis? Parliament is out of order; they have no reason compelling appointments which are a prerogative of the President. It is not their duty and they must keep off and know their terms. It’s straightforward, they are ignorant.” Charamba was quoted saying.

Source – Byo