gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘Police threaten CCC official with death’ Job Sikhala says – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘Police threaten CCC official with death’ Job Sikhala says

Job Sikhala
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Citizens Coalition for Change(CCC) Vice National Chairman Job Wiwa Sikhala has alleged that the Chitungwiza Ward 7 Council candidate Lovemore Maiko has received death threats from a senior police officer warning him not engage in election campaigning.

Said Sikhala, “Our Ward 7 Council by election candidate Lovemore Maiko is advising me that he has just been phoned by Officer Commanding Chitungwiza District C/S Muguti threatening him with death if ever he holds any campaign activities in his ward. He has been told not to do anything or else die.”

On Monday, police officers and alleged members of ZANU PF reportedly joined hands to beat CCC supporters conducting door to door campaigns for their candidate  Maiko ahead of May 7 by-elections.

Police shot teargas into the CCC crowd which included party deputy chairperson Job Sikhala, deputy spokesperson Ostallos Siziba and Harare councillor Denford Ngadziore.

Maiko, who was recalled by the MDC Alliance for supporting CCC president Nelson Chamisa, was also beaten in the melee that ensured in his ward.

Source – Byo24