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Owl causes chaos at funeral

Residents search for the owl
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THERE was an owl scare at a funeral in Chitungwiza, which prompted people to come up with theories of witchcraft.

Residents then went on to become violent, destroying a fowl run as they claimed one of the people at the house had bewitched the now late Shylet Muzuva in an estate dispute.

Shylet Muzuva

People chanted songs that denigrated Tsitsi Murwira accusing her of having a hand in Muzuva’s death with a view to remain as the owner of the house, an issue Murwira was quick to dismiss although acknowledging beef between her and Muzuva.

The house belongs to the late Chihuri and estate is yet to be distributed.

Tsitsi Murwira

Some hooligans destroyed Murwira’s chicken run claiming that they were looking for the hidden owl which none of the mourners witnessed to have seen.

Residents at the funeral

Murwira, an ardent follower of Joanne Masowe yeChishanu, told H-Metro that her differences with the deceased started two years back when the house owner passed on.

Search for the owl

“We have been at loggerheads with Muzuva that at one time she dragged me to civil court for a peace order,” said Murwira.

“My husband is based in Gweru so we were two women at the house that belongs to the late grandmother Chihuri so our differences were on the control of the house.

“I was the one responsible but Muzuva wanted to override me that is where our differences came about.

“Vakarwara vari mumba mavo handina kunovaona kusvikira ndatozonzwawo kuti vafa ndikashamisika.


“I won’t be part of the mourners because everyone is accusing me of witchcraft but I am not a sorcerer as what they want people to believe.

“Ndinonamata kukereke yekwaJohanne Masowe yeChishanu asi parizvino ndirikushandisa mushonga wandapihwa wekurapa mwana wangu akarara apa uyu anecancer.

“Handina zizi; ndingaridii ini ndichinamata?” questioned Murwira.

Muzuva family spokesperson Sasha Muchemwa said Murwira denied the late access to ablution facilities and electricity in an effort to force her out of the family house.

“The now deceased suffered a terrible headache on Saturday only and she died raising suspicion of witchcraft but I never saw the said owl.

“Their misunderstanding about the family house which did not belong to any of the two grew that it was talk of the neighbourhood.

“We owe it all to the Creator to judge but if all goes according to plan we are going to lay her to rest in Mt Darwin,” she said.

The deceased was 42.

She is survived by one child.

Source: H-Metro