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Our government will prioritise rural development – Chamisa

MDC leader Nelson Chamisa speaking at a rally
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CHIPINGE – MDC Alliance President Advocate Nelson Chamisa held a rally yesterday which was well attended by thousands of people in Chipinge at Kondo growth point.

Before addressing the rally, he passed through the late activist and traditional healer James Wisen Dhliwayo home and paid his last respect.

At Kondo growth point, Chamisa castigated the Zimbabwe National Union Patriotic Front (ZANU PF) led government for neglecting the late liberation war hero and party founder Ndabaningi Sithole.

“In September this year I will make sure that Sithole is buried at National Heroes Acre.

“What ZANU PF had done is uncalled for and should be rectified by us.

“On 18 April we were celebrating independence. We respect independence because what was fought for is what we are fighting.

“It is very unfortunate that ZANU PF has failed to put on the ground what others has fought for. It failed to share equally the fruits of the struggle and has decided to use them for themselves. (Havachadi kupakura asi vakuchachura vega) ,” said Chamisa.

MDC Alliance President also promised to transform Chipinge to become a better rural home.

“Our government will prioritise rural development, we will make good roads, rural electrification, solar energy and biogas”.

Chamisa said that his government will respect the constitution and excise devolution of power.
” People will contribute on how the country is run. You will contribute on how the budget will be allocated and used,” he said.

He denounced corruption and pledged to deal with those found guilt of it without favour.

“If you still during our time you will rot in prison. Our government will be corruption free. We do not want to be like ZANU PF which is good at corruption.

“Our government will do things right. We will open industries so that people will work, we will make sure that everyone gets better and affordable education, we will open hospitals and we will make sure that people will take birth certificates, I Ds and even licences very easily,” said the MDC Alliance President.