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Normalise Zimbabwe’s relations, diplomats told

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Government says the 17 ambassadors designate immediate task is to normalise Zimbabwe’s relations in the community of nations, attract foreign direct investment and engage Zimbabweans in the diaspora.

This was said by the Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister, Retired Lieutenant General Dr Sibusiso Moyo while addressing the ambassadors designate.

“We must set agreed targets on the trade boost with your host countries based on foreign direct investment, technological leapfrog to current status, Zimbabwe diaspora engagement,” he said.

The minister reiterated that, in line with President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Zimbabwe is open for business mantra, diplomats should keep host countries posted on government reforms.

“Keep host governments informed of the reforms taking place at home, the one stop shop investment instrument – ZIDA, law reforms on AIPPA, POSA and others,” Minister Moyo said.

He highlighted that they must also play a key roleto leap-frog the country from its current challenges.

“Make Zimbabwe profile visible, show your presence and discuss issues, you will realise that Zimbabwe takeover the chairmanship of the organ on politics, defence and security – give priority to peace management,” said Minister Moyo.

The ambassadors designate who will take up posts at Zimbabwe’s existing missions and a new mission in Rwanda recently completed a five-week-long course.