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Mzembi threatens foreign embassies

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FOREIGN Affairs Minister Walter Mzembi has warned diplomats accredited to Zimbabwe against interfering in harmonised elections next year by becoming “referees and players”.

Addressing heads of diplomatic missions in Harare yesterday, Mzembi an ex-elevator mechanic said Zimbabwe was capable of holding free and fair elections. “I want to inform you that the election season beckons and l would urge you not to become referees and players in the same. Instead, I exhort you to remain steadfast in your dignified roles of impartial observers as has been already pronounced by His Excellency the President, R.G. Mugabe,” he said.

“As with previous elections, the Zimbabwe Government has always guaranteed a peaceful environment, before, during and after electios. It’s zero tolerance to violence policy as we approach 2018 elections, is a matter of public record.”

According to State media Mzembi urged diplomats to refrain from rumours when compiling their reports saying he had an open-door policy. He said there was need to work together and build relationships through robust and focused dialogue all the time. “Diplomacy must never be based on gossip, innuendos or hearsay.

“As we march together to a new brighter partnership and future, let me reiterate that diplomacy is not a journey of loners. “We all need each other. Let us forget the past and seek new honest relations based on our diverse realities for our mutual benefit.”