gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Robert Mugabe to make cabinet changes next week – The Zimbabwe Mail

Robert Mugabe to make cabinet changes next week

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HARARE – Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe said on Saturday he may make changes to his cabinet next week, a time of rising tensions within his ruling party over who will eventually takeover from him.

“Next week there might be some changes in government. I Should we remain with the same team or we make changes or even discard some. So that exercise I will be doing it and early next week you will get the results,” Mugabe told a meeting of his ZANU-PF youth wing.

Mugabe says underperforming ministers will fall by the wayside when he reshuffles his cabinet next week.

Addressing the Zanu PF Youth League National Assembly meeting at the party’s headquarters in Harare today, Mugabe said the reshuffle will see other ministers being reassigned.

Zimbabwe’s strongman also urged party members to remain united and desist from personalising and fanning factionalism in the revolutionary party.

He urged youths to be disciplined, saying the party will unconditionally support them if they do so.

“The youth being the vanguard of our revolution at all levels of society need to be supported in all their endeavors. You can only be supported unconditionally if and only you are able to exhibit high levels of discipline. The leadership expects you, the youth to be well disciplined,” said Mugabe.

“It is on this note that I once again encourage the young ones to desist from drug and alcoholic substance abuse, as well as from politically, and ethnically motivated violence. Keep away from immorality and sexual tendencies so you can avoid sexual diseases,” he added.

The President also encouraged youths to embrace information communication technologies (ICTs) and use them for the development of the party and the nation at large.

“The youth must not abuse these platforms and so they should avoid following and supporting those who have advocate regime change politics,” he said.

With a few months before next year’s general elections, Mugabe also spoke on the need for youths to encourage each other to register to vote.

“During your programmes you must carry the message encouraging the youth to get registered as voters, and please be versed with the newly introduced Biometric Voter Registration programme. With the support of the current leadership of the Youth league I am convinced that you will successfully fulfill your constitutional mandate of mobilizing the youth to vote for the party,” he said.

Mugabe ended his speech by thanking the Youth League for their good work, saying it clearly shows that the party has a brighter future.