A senior official in the Thokozani Khupe led MDC, Engineer Elias Mudzuri has rallied MDC supporters to keep focused on the preparations of the Extra-ordinary Congress and refuse to be sidetracked by sideshows.
Mudzuri’s statement comes when the MDC is expecting a court judgement regarding the power of MDC-T to recall MDC-Alliance lawmakers.
“Let’s focus on our defining moment, the Extraordinary Congress. We should ignore the drama and sideshows. We must show the world that the MDC can do things differently for the benefit of the long-suffering Zimbabweans.” Mudzuri said.
Earlier this month MDC-T announced that its expected Extraordinary Congress shall be held on the 31st of July.
The congress is in compliance with the Supreme Court ruling that ruled on the party’s leadership crisis that has dragged for a sustainable period of time now.