gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Moyo goes for the kill of Mnangagwa’s allies – The Zimbabwe Mail

Moyo goes for the kill of Mnangagwa’s allies

Former Higher Education Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo and President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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HARARE – HIGHER and Tertiary Education Minister Jonathan Moyo has thrown the cat among the pigeons through claims former Zanu PF legislator Larry Mavhima was aiding former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s alleged coup plot.

Moyo accused Mavhima, former MP for Zvishavane-Runde and top Mnangagwa ally, of distributing a press statement issued Wednesday by the axed VP.

“So, the so-called ED Press Statement issued today, which has a poor scan of his signature, was personally delivered to newsrooms as an advert by Larry Mavhima who chairs the NRZ Board & who fronts for ED at Hanawa Foods.

“This makes Mavhima an accessory to treason!” Moyo wrote on his twitter page.

Mnangagwa was fired by President Robert Mugabe on Monday following persistent accusations by the first family that he was plotting a coup against the Zimbabwean leader.

The embattled ex-VP sneaked out of the country Tuesday and was said to be destined for exile in South Africa.

He has since issued a defiant statement which accused his former boss of capturing Zanu PF and converting it into his personal property and that of his family.

Mnangagwa vowed to resist the move but did not specify how he intended to do so.

His shock ouster was also a culmination of an intense campaign by Moyo to have him dismissed for “capturing” State institutions through an elaborate plot to succeed President Mugabe.

But just when the dust has not yet settled over the Mnangagwa debacle, Moyo has moved to brew trouble for Mavhima he bluntly accuses of abetting treason.

Since the famous Tsholotsho coup plot he masterminded on behalf of Mnangagwa 2004 fell flat, Moyo has become a fierce anti-Mnangagwa campaigner.