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More woes for axed CIO Minister

Owen Ncube
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FORMER State Security minister Owen Mudha Ncube’s political woes worsened at the weekend after he lost the Zanu PF Midlands provincial vice chairmanship, on which he had imposed himself, and was shunted to a far less influential position of secretary for production and labour.

This took place during a rescheduled provincial coordinating committee (PCC) in Gweru on Saturday.

The PCC was rescheduled following violent clashes the previous weekend, which saw the meeting ending prematurely as Mudha’s gangs ran amok.

Mudha had bussed machete-welding yobs to that meeting and smuggled a controversial list which was supposed to make the provincial executive.

The controversial list which was rejected by Zanu-PF structures in Midlands was packed with Mudha’s loyalists who included former Mbizo Legislator Vongai Mupereri as secretary for administration, Shurugwi South MP, Edmund Mkaratigwa as finance Secretary and other loyalists such as alleged gangster Tapiwa Muto – who leads Mudha’s supposed terror squad nicknamed Al Shabaab -, former Kwekwe deputy mayor John Mapurazi and Vungu MP Omega Sibanda making it to the list.

However, it ended with President Emmerson Mnangagwa sacking of Mudha from government.

“He was given the position of provincial secretary for production and labour as a mere consolation but politically he is finished,” a source from the volatile province said.

Former Zanu PF youth league deputy secretary Edward Chakanyuka Chiherenge will instead deputise Mavhima.

Mkaratigwa became secretary for administration, Chirumhanzu MP Barbara Rwodzi became secretary for finance, minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Paul Mavhima is the new secretary for legal affairs.

Legislators Edmore Samambwa and Prosper Machando made it to the provincial executive as secretaries for health and childcare and gender and culture respectively.

In his address to the new executive, Mavhima urged unity among brawling party members saying: “My plea to you comrades as your chairman, is that we unite and or at the least attempt to unite.”

“In retrospect our differences are very minor as we all claim to be 100% behind HE E D Mnangagwa our current and future President in 2023 and one united Zanu PF party led by our current presidium who have all clearly stated their support for Cde Dr E D Mnangagwa as the sole candidate for the 2023 General. elections. Let us now put our personal differences aside and rally to win the Bye Elections and the 2023 General Elections. I as your chairman,” Mavhima said.

He added: “I am willing and fully commit to work with the current PEC which is a blended group of opposing forces and foes but people with one common objective that of winning for Cde E D Mnangagwa and Zanu PF.”

Mavhima also ordered party members to stop denigrating each other.

“Comrades I still notice negative comments about individuals and groups and some of which are extremely upsetting and not unifying at all in various social media platforms. May I once more request all comrades to refrain from negative comments that will continue to divide us but focus on those positive comments that will build and strengthen our President and Party in general.”

“This is not a hard ask, but one that is intended to bring all of us together as we prepare for the tasks ahead. I promise and swear that I will be fair to everyone and work together with all those that share the same goals of Midlands province being number one and delivering the votes we have promised for the president and party at large,” he said. – Newzim