gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Bulletproof vest-wearing Mohadi ‘fears for his life’, court hears – The Zimbabwe Mail

Bulletproof vest-wearing Mohadi ‘fears for his life’, court hears

Kembo Mohadi and new wife
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HARARE – Vice President Kembo Mohadi is still legally married to his first wife, Tambudzani, despite attending official events with his new “wife”, it has emerged.

Mohadi instituted divorce proceedings at the Bulawayo High Court against Tambudzani in September last year, and the matter is still pending.

But it would appear Mohadi has already moved on, after publicly stepping out with a mystery woman at official engagements, including his swearing-in ceremony at State House on August 28.

Mohadi’s young new flame, who has moved in with him in Harare, has been named as Juliet Singo Mutavhatsindi, from Nuli in Beitbridge.

Mohadi, who wore what was thought to be a bulletproof vest inside his shirt to his swearing-in, says in papers filed with a Harare court that he is “living in fear of my life” after receiving threats from his estranged wife.

Fear for his life … Vice President Kembo Mohadi wearing what is thought to be a bulletproof vest at State House

The well-protected Vice President is seeking a restraining order at the Civil Court in Harare against Tambudzani, who is a Senator in Beitbridge.

He claims Tambudzani has threatened him on the phone and turned their children against him. She has also been selling their property, he says.