gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mohade in Japan for Abe funeral amid Chiwenga’s health problems – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mohade in Japan for Abe funeral amid Chiwenga’s health problems

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FORMER State vice president Kembo Mohadi was in Japan this week attended the funeral of country’s longest-serving prime minister, Shinzo Abe, it has emerged.

Mohadi is now just second secretary of the ruling Zanu PF party after being forced to resign the State vice presidency in ignominy due to sex scandals.

He was part of the 4,000 guests, including United States vice president Kamala Harris, to attend the State funeral of Abe who was shot dead while making an election campaign speech in the western city of Nara on 8 July.

A private funeral was held in Tokyo four days after the tragic killing.

According to the Japanese foreign ministry, Mohadi also paid a curtesy call on Prime Minister Kishida Fumio.

“Prime Minister Kishida expressed his gratitude to Vice President Mohadi for his attendance at the State Funeral for Former Prime Minister ABE Shinzo and stated he wished to further develop excellent diplomatic relation established under former Prime Minister Abe,” said the Ministry in a statement.

“Prime Minister Kishida then expressed his willingness to assist Zimbabwe, which has abundant mineral resources so that Zimbabwe can realize its potential.

“He also expressed his expectation that the presidential election scheduled for next year will be conducted peacefully and that democratization will make further progress.”

Mohadi, for his part, expressed his appreciation for Japan’s support for Zimbabwe.

“The both sides exchanged views on international issues, such as the situation in Ukraine, and confirmed the importance of cooperation,” the ministry added.

“Prime Minister Kishida also stated the importance of strengthening food security and the both sides confirmed to cooperate with each other on this issue.

“They also confirmed to work for further development of bilateral relations.”