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Mnangagwa says CIO boss is his relative

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PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has revealed he is related to Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) director-general Isaac Moyo, confirming an open secret in the corridors of power that his government is stuffed with relatives, friends and cronies.


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Mnangagwa said this on Friday during a funeral service for Moyo’s late daughter Shumirai Sandra Moyo who died of a brain cancer-related ailment in Dublin, Ireland, early this month.

Shumirai was buried in Rutenga, Mwenezi, Masvingo province on Sunday.

Addressing mourners in Harare on Friday, Mnangagwa said: “My relationship with Mr Moyo goes deep; he calls my wife sister and I call him sekuru (uncle). He told me everything that took place up to the death of his daughter. I was with him all along the way and was updated every time of the progress. I feel honoured to be here.

“I thank you all who have come here kunonyaradzana naAmbassador nemhuri yavo (to comfort the ambassador and his family).”

Mnangagwa then went on to reveal that Shumirai had a burning political ambition to remove opposition CCC Harare West Joana Mamombe from her parliamentary seat.

“She was engaged in politics which shows how patriotic she was. A lot of kids are not engaged directly in politics. We are assembled here to give our last respects to a patriot of our nation. She had passion to remove Joana Mamombe from her constituency, so sad she couldn’t get to finish her journey. No one knows what lies ahead of us but God. I came here to see sekuru vangu (my uncle).

“Above all, I came here so that when I am gone, I should be remembered the same way. God knows the last day of each and every one of us. We have come here kunonyaradza (to comfort) a Moyo and this is because God has allowed this to happen. Be glad you are the ones to lay to rest this lovely soul. This girl is fortunate to have been sent off by the Vice-President (Constantino Chiwenga) and President. I have seen the former governor Gideon Gono he is here and, all other very important delegates here, I thank you for honouring this girl. My other Vice-President Cde KCD Mohadi will be in Rutenga tomorrow for the burial. This loss happens in any family. What God has written down no one can go against.”

Mnangagwa, Chiwenga and other top government officials paid their respects to the Moyo family in Harare on Friday.

This comes as Mnangagwa is battling a public perception that he is on a Karanga sub-ethnic hegemony project in Zimbabwe, as his government is dominated by his political allies mainly from the Midlands and Masvingo provinces.

The late former president Robert Mugabe’s government was run and controlled by his Zezuru sub-ethnic group.

Shumirai’s mother is Priscilla Zindari-Moyo, the Zanu PF MP for Mwenezi West.
Moyo helped Mnangagwa to ascend to power during the Mugabe succession battle in 2017.

To manage the security sector and ensure coup-proofing strategies, Moyo was recalled from South Africa where he was serving as the country’s ambassador and appointed CIO boss.

Chiwenga described Shumirai as a jovial person and revealed he once addressed a crowd she had mobilised.

He said the President had come to console the family given the fact that he had worked closely with Moyo over a very long time.

Moyo said his daughter was a political activist, adding Chiwenga was well aware of her political activities.

“Her ambition was to remove Joana Mamombe from her post as MP for Harare West constituency,” he said.

He said Shumirai fell sick while at work in Dublin and was subsequently sent home.
She was taken to hospital on the second day with a suspected meningitis ailment before being tested for cancer of the brain. He added she was swelling in the brain and spent six weeks in intensive care without eating.

Moyo said his wife or her mother spent a month with her, while she was hospitalised. He thanked Mnangagwa and First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa for visiting and comforting his family.

Besides Moyo, Mnangagwa has appointed several other relatives to senior government positions.

A number of examples in various government ministries, departments and positions illustrate the point beyond reasonable doubt.

Mnangagwa has appointed family members — including his son — and direct relatives into government.

After elections last August, Mnangagwa appointed his son, Kudakwashe David Mnangagwa, deputy Finance minister.

He also appointed his brother’s son – also his son in African culture — Tongai Mafidi Mnangagwa deputy Tourism and Hospitality minister.

His nephew Martin Rushwaya is Chief Secretary in the Office of the President and Cabinet. He took over from Misheck Sibanda, who is also a close relative. Sibanda’s wife Doreen was appointed Zimpapers chairperson.

The Commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, General Phillip Valerio Sibanda, is also linked to Mnangagwa. They share the same totem, Shumba.

Paul Mangwana, a fellow clansman of Mnangagwa and close associate from Chivi in Masvingo, is the Zanu PF secretary for legal affairs, while his brother Ndavaningi “Nick” Mangwana was brought in from the United Kingdom to become the chief government spokesperson in his capacity as the permanent secretary in the ministry of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services.

Upon his appointment as Vice-President under Mugabe in 2014, Mnangagwa demonstrated his excesses when he bequeathed his Chirumhanzu-Zibagwe parliamentary seat to his wife, Auxilia.

Some of Mnangagwa’s Midlands or Karanga allies in government include July Moyo, Public Service minister, Owen “Mudha” Ncube, Midlands Provincial Affairs and Devolution minister of State, who was State Security minister, Paul Mavima (Midlands), Professor Amon Murwira (Masvingo) and Frederick Shava, Foreign minister (Midlands).

Jenfan Muswere, who hails from Manicaland province and is a close friend of Emmerson Mnangagwa Junior, is Information minister, showing the influence of patronage or cronyism.

Ziyambi Ziyambi, a Karanga, is Justice minister, despite having lost in the Zanu PF primary elections to Mercy Dinha twice.

Although Ziyambi hails from Mashonaland, his origins are in Shurugwi.

The Tourism and Hospitality Industry ministry, which was split from the tourism and environment portfolio, was assigned to Barbara Rwodzi. Rwodzi is from Mnangagwa’s Midlands province. She inherited his wife’s constituency, which was initially his.

The Environment portfolio was initially given to Mangaliso Ndlovu, one of his cronies from Matabeleland South province, who did not win a constituency during the last elections as he dropped out in the primaries. Ndlovu was subsequently taken back to Industry and Commerce, exchanging ministries with veteran minister Sithembiso Nyoni.

Winston Chitando, now Local Government minister, is also from Masvingo, as another example.

Thabani Vusa Mpofu, a Midlander and a presumed Mnangagwa relative, is still holding onto the Special Anti-Corruption Unit in the President’s Office.

Another example is that of Dr Vincent Hungwe, who chairs the Public Service Commission and the Health Service Commission.

There are many other examples which demonstrate systematic nepotism, patronage and cronyism in Mnangagwa’s administration.

The national constitution says appointments to public institutions including government departments, must broadly reflect the nation’s diversity and gender composition.

Mnangagwa is not broadly and reasonably doing this.