gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mnangagwa is worse than Mugabe- Mutambara – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mnangagwa is worse than Mugabe- Mutambara

Prof Arthur Mutambara
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JOHANNESBURG – Rormer deputy prime minister Arthur Mutambara said President Mnangagwa is worse than his predecessor Robert Mugabe.

He was responding to a question on whether Mnangagwa is truly fighting corruption. He said Mnangagwa had done nothing in fighting corruption. Said Mutambara in n an interview with CNBC Africa.

They have done nothing. In fact they are worse than Mugabe on every front. Chiwenga and Mnangagwa were the enforcers of Robert Mugabe. Chiwenga and Mnangagwa were the front henchmen, were the runners of the system that Mugabe created.

So you don’t expect any different between the behaviour of Mnangagwa and the behaviour of Robert Mugabe.

What’s disturbing is that in fact in terms brutality, in terms of corruption, in terms of misgovernance, Mnangagwa is worse than Mugabe. What a tragedy.