gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mnangagwa Is A Soldier, He Can Shoot Those Who Want To Run Away From Him: Josiah Hungwe – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mnangagwa Is A Soldier, He Can Shoot Those Who Want To Run Away From Him: Josiah Hungwe

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Minister of State for Masvingo Province Josiah Hungwe is reported to have warned that President Emmerson Mnangagwa is a soldier who can shoot all the people who do not want to listen to him and want to run away from him.

The Masvingo Mirror reports that while speaking at the commissioning of a clinic on Tuesday, the Minister said,

Do you know that I am the leader of the new dispensation here in Masvingo and I say ichi chinhu chedu chatakaita (this is our thing that we did). Our leader Mnangagwa is a soldier and you know that a soldier is always equipped with a gun to do whatever he wants.

If you want to run away from him he can shoot you so you should always know that.

In December, Hungwe was also reported by the Masvingo Mirror as saying that Zanu-PF was not going to leave the army when campaigning for the 2018 elections.

More: Masvingo Mirror