gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mnangagwa decries internal Zanu PF infigting – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mnangagwa decries internal Zanu PF infigting

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PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa yesterday condemned intra-party violence in Zanu PF as he pleaded for unity among party supporters to ensure a certain victory in the Saturday by-elections.

Mnangagwa spoke out against intra party violence during a campaign rally in Binga, Matabeleland North province — a district that suffers from serious underdevelopment and marginalisation.

As has become tradition, Zanu PF hired over 50 Zupco buses to ferry supporters from across the district and afar to attend the party’s rally held at Siabuwa business centre.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa arrives at the Zanu PF rally in Binga yesterday

“Let us forget the misunderstandings that we have been having,” he said.

“I hear that there have been problems after  party elections in Binga.

“I want to say to Zanu PF leaders in this province that you must be united.

“ If you fail to unite, I will have to step in.

“No-one can pocket Zanu PF, but Zanu PF can pocket everyone.

“I heard Veronica Mnkuli, a central committee member, had her house and vehicle burnt when she was trying to unite Zanu PF leaders in the province.

“This is very bad, peace, harmony and unity should prevail in Zanu PF.

“Therefore, I have requested Mnkuli to come to Harare on Monday so that I give her a new car.”

Zanu PF has been battling infighting following disputed district and provincial elections, and also primaries to select candidates to represent the party in the polls this weekend.

The president also promised to deliver development to the district, saying the opposition had nothing to offer.

“If you want better roads, better schools, if you want children to be pilots, if you want factories; if you want mining you don’t go to the opposition; all of these things are not found in opposition,” said Mnangangwa.

“We have upcoming by-elections countrywide and today please promise me that we will win those by-elections.

“After the by-elections I will come back to  Binga again.”

Mnangangwa also donated 31 fishing boats to traditional leaders and the women’s league. – The Standard