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Mnangagwa blasts Minister’s ‘unlawful and reckless’ military comments

Terence Mukupe
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President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government has slammed as “unlawful” and “reckless” comments by Zimbabwe’s deputy finance minister who said the army wouldn’t allow MDC leader Nelson Chamisa to win elections.

Terence Mukupe was quoted by the private NewsDay as telling supporters in eastern Harare on Monday that the army would never allow “a child” to govern the country after forcing Robert Mugabe to resign last year.

“How can we say, honestly, the soldiers took the country, practically snatched if from Mugabe, to come and hand it over to Chamisa?,” Mukupe was quoted as telling a Zanu-PF meeting in Harare’s Mandara suburb.

But the comments were slammed by acting information minister Simon Khaya Moyo.

‘Totally condemnable’

In a statement issued on Wednesday, Moyo called Mukupe’s comments “unlawful, reckless, improper, uncalled for and thus totally condemnable”.

He said the comments “imperil national peace and stability” and were contrary to what Mnangagwa “has pledged and is determined to deliver both to the people of Zimbabwe and to the international community”.

Would never have happened under Mugabe

The reaction from the government is significant: censure of one of Zanu-PF’s own would never have happened under Mugabe. While in office his own security chiefs were on record as saying they would never salute a MDC president. Mnangagwa’s government is eager to be shown to be creating an environment for a free and fair poll, in order to gain international legitimacy in the wake of Mugabe’s fall from power in November. – News24