gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mliswa Accuses Govt Officials Of Taking Bribes To Maintain Rautenbach’s Monopoly On Ethanol – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mliswa Accuses Govt Officials Of Taking Bribes To Maintain Rautenbach’s Monopoly On Ethanol

Billy Rautenbach
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Chairperson of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Mines and Energy, Temba Mliswa has accused government officials of taking bribes from businessman Billy Rautenbach.

Mliswa said that this was being done to ensure Rautenbach’s Green Fuel monopoly on ethanol. Said Mliswa,

One person also controls ethanol in the country because you are all getting bribes from Billy Rautenbach because of corruption – and we cannot work like that.

Ethanol from Chisumbanje is also very expensive than that of Triangle Limited because you are getting bribes and now we have shortages of fuel because a person has personalised ethanol; why are you still in office?

Permanent Secretary in the ministry of Energy Partson Mbiriri denied the charges:

More: NewsDay