gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); MDC blasts Chinamsa over ‘invitation’ outburst – The Zimbabwe Mail

MDC blasts Chinamsa over ‘invitation’ outburst

Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa
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HARARE – The Movement for Democratic Change led by Morgan Tsvangirai on Sunday blasted ZANU PF legal secretary Patrick Chinamasa’s remarks that the on-going stand-off between Robert Mugabe regime and the military was a Zanu PF affair and they won’t invite the opposition to any transitional process.

“Chinamsa remarks that ZANU PF does not need the opposition probably thinks that all those people who demonstrated yesterday were supporting ZANU PF,” MDC said.

“It is unfortunate because we had started to believe that the Lacoste faction of ZANU PF which is backed by the military had an inclusive national outlook and were looking to soft-land this crisis.”

“But it seems it was all about removing Mugabe and replacing him with Emmerson Mnangagwa, so we should take it from where we left it before the coup-not-coup – free and fair elections in an environment that is peaceful and without intimidation,” the party said.

“We invite all the international Press that is in Zimbabwe now and focused on Zimbabwe, which attention we have thus far been failing to get all these years, now focus on the preparations for elections.”

“The preparations presided over by a ZANU PF appointee who is supposed to be the independent chair of the Electoral Commission (ZEC), Rita Makarau, have hitherto been described as shambolic.”

“The shambles that has been the ZEC preparations for elections can only have been the result of an effort to rig the election as was done before in 2008 election.”

“We invite the International press to investigate for themselves how the elections have been managed, from ZEC itself and from NGO s such as Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition, Zimbabwe Human Rights Association, Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, Electoral Resources Centre Zimbabwe and political parties such as the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and alliances such as the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) Alliance, and other alliances.”