gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); MDC, and Zanu PF clash over Chamisa copying Malema’s regalia – The Zimbabwe Mail

MDC, and Zanu PF clash over Chamisa copying Malema’s regalia

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MDC Alliance presidential candidate’s security details had a torrid time trying to disperse Harare supporters jostling for a picture with their leader Nelson Chamisa as he marched through the streets dressed like the South African opposition leader Julius Malema.

Chamisa Tuesday staged a large protest march and handed over a petition to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission demanding some administrative electoral reforms.

He arrived at Africa Unity Square around midday clad in a red work suit and a red helmet which is the Economic Freedom Fighters (Malema’s party) trade mark dressing sending thousands of coalition supporters into jubilation.

But it was Chamisa’s dressing and push ups during the march rather than his ability to draw the largest crowd since the fall of former president Robert Mugabe from power that caught the attention of his opponents.

Un-amused opponents took to the social media saying that Chamisa’s behaviour and dressing showed that he was still inclined in high school and college politics.

“This is sad. Chamisa’s antics are nothing but vacuous. EFF and MDC are ideologically apart yet the young man mimics Julius Malema; it’s pathetic,” @rangamataire.

Zanu PF UK chairperson Nick Mangwana posted, “30 of July Zimbabwe is going to choose a mature statesman as their leader; a person with stature and demeanour that inspires confidence and respect for the country. They will avoid a glorified student leader who gets skittish on the streets like some tearaway yob.”

But Chamisa’s supporters defended his dressing and actions.

“Oh please! We all know you preferred candidate is most likely unable to do this. Musarwadziwe mukoma,” @Patson Dzamara.

@tatenda, “Can yours (Pres Mnangagwa) just manage half push ups.

Chamisa later vowed to meet Malema’s opponent, the South Africa president Cyril Ramaphosa, before the 30th July general election to guarantee the vote.