gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘MDC-A demos not useful’ – Minister – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘MDC-A demos not useful’ – Minister

Monica Mutsvangwa
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STREET demonstrations being organised by the MDC are not benefiting anyone, and Zimbabweans are too smart to be used as political tools, Information, Media and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa has said.

The remarks by Minister Mutsvangwa come a fortnight after the MDC unsuccessfully tried to mobilise Zimbabweans to rise against Government. In an interview at Kopa in Chimanimani, where she toured construction sites in areas that were ravaged by Cyclone Idai in March this year, Minister Mutsvangwa said Government was fully aware of the difficulties Zimbabweans were enduring owing to ongoing austerity measures that are meant to revitalise the economy.

“Zimbabweans are mature. They fought for their independence and it was not easy fighting a strong enemy like the (Ian) Smith regime. It called for maturity. They have seen the Second Republic working hard to make sure that they change people’s lives. There have been a lot of economic, social and political reforms which have been put in place by the Second Republic,” said Minister Mutsvangwa.

Zimbabweans, she said, are a hard-working people who can see through the futility of demonstrations. 

She said President Mnangagwa’s administration was fully aware of the challenges facing the nation owing to the current austerity measures.

“What President Mnangagwa is doing in the Second Republic is to make sure that we bring back the economy on rail. The transformation that is happening — a lot of those who are progressive, Zimbabweans who are progressive — can actually see what is being done by the Second Republic.

As Zimbabweans, we should ask ourselves what demonstrations help us with. Who are we doing it for? Why are we seeing some embassies involved in making sure that there are demonstrations?”