gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); MDC-A bigwigs desert lone-ranger Job Sikhala – The Zimbabwe Mail

MDC-A bigwigs desert lone-ranger Job Sikhala

Job Sikhala
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HARARE – Some MDC Alliance bigwigs are said to be making a determined push to have deputy national chairperson Job Sikhala expelled from the party for his radical political activities and dogged opposition to Zanu-PF and its government.

The report says that some of his colleagues in the party were even hoping that authorities would fish him out from hiding.

Sikhala has been in hiding since authorities started cracking down on organisers of the July 31 protests.

MDC-Alliance through JOB SIKALA has declared the period 10-15 August 2020, a week of action. They are once again planning to engage in popcorn demonstrations in the hope that the public will join in and make the country ungovernable.

The Opposition political parties and Pressure. Groups are riding on the unstable socio- economic situation.

However, The ZRP has issued a statement dismissing the social media post by Professor Jonathan Moyo in in an earlier tweet in connection with alleged defying of instructions at ZRP Plumtree by police officers. According to the police, the post is false and should be dismissed with contempt which it deserves.

The public is urged to be careful of the misleading posts which are circulating on social media as they do not portray the true picture on the ground.

The ZRP is now conducting investigations to flush out rogue elements who are giving false information in order to cause alarm and despondency in the country, the police said in a statement