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Mashakada hits back on MDC Alliance officials criticising him

Tapiwa Mashakada
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MDC Alliance legislator Tapiwa Mashakada who seem to have defected to the MDC-T led by Thokozani Khupe has hit back at former colleagues in the MDC Alliance who have criticized him.

In an article he posted on Facebook, Mashakada said a clarion call is made to all MDC Party Structures and the 2014 National Council saying: “Munhu wese mugango/Umuntu wonke embizeni”

“The MDC party does not have a substantive leader until the Extra Ordinary Congress chooses a new Leader. The shenanigans that happened after Tsvangirai’s death were all nullified by the Supreme Court. These were:Chamisa’s takeover and his Congress, Khupe’s Congress,” he said.

“True Democrats must accept the ruling of our courts and comply with the Supreme court ruling. All accusations about some people being sell-outs or bought by Zanu PF are immaterial. It is cheap policking. Let MDC leaders walk the talk on democracy, rule of law and constitutionalism. The MDC family must unite, go to Congress and choose a new leader to replace Morgan   Tsvangirai and reaffirm the original position that MDC is a labour backed party, a social democratic party and not a neo-liberal party.”

He said the Congress must reposition the new MDC as a Pan-Africanist party with known national values and footprints in Africa.

“But most importantly, a party that is non tribal, non racial, non sexist. A party with a  rural support base. The cabal that is ill-advising my young  brother Nelson Chamisa are making his political Waterloo and spoiling his chances of  ever becoming the President of Zimbabwe,” he said.

Source – Byo24