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Manyika, Mujuru concedes defeat

Dr Noah Manyika
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PEOPLE’S Rainbow Coalition (PRC) losing presidential candidate Joice Mujuru says she concedes defeat after putting up a disastrous electoral show which saw her emerge with a 0,1 percent of the national vote in Monday’s election while none of her candidates won a parliamentary or council seat.

In a statement Friday, the former state Vice President congratulated all winners of the elections but omitted President elect Emmerson Mnangagwa whose victory has been disputed by his close challenger Nelson Chamisa.

Mujuru said the July 30 election was not free and fair but said they respected its outcome.

“Our elections were not fair in as far as our fourteen reforms demands were not met by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission,” she said.

“These demands would have addressed our concerns on traditional leaders, abuse of state resources and other issues thereof. We however recognise and accept the choice of the people of Zimbabwe.”

The one-time Zanu PF rival to then co-VP Mnangagwa took time to congratulate all winners of the election leaving out the newly elected leader.

Mujuru was ousted from her government and Zanu PF position 2014 after then First Lady Grace Mugabe staged a fierce public campaign for her to surrender her job.

She was accusing her of plotting to remove then President Robert Mugabe from his job.

Mnangagwa has emerged victorious in Zanu PF’s succession fights after the military ousted Mugabe November last year and replaced him with the now President elect.

“We congratulate those who have been elected as Councillors, Members of Parliament, Provincial Councils and Senate,” Mujuru said, adding that they were conceding defeat.

“We concede defeat according to the results announced by ZEC and congratulate Zanu PF on winning these elections.

“We urge peace and restraint among Zimbabweans and remain committed to work with others towards a Zimbabwe We Want,” she said.

More: NewZimbabwe