gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Malawi President heads to Zimbabwe – The Zimbabwe Mail

Malawi President heads to Zimbabwe

Lazarus Chakwera has been sworn in as Malawi’s new president
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The Malawi Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a statement informing members of the general public that His Malawi President Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera will be coming on a two-day Official Visit to the Republic of Zimbabwe on 30th September, 2020.

Full details of His Excellency Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera’s Official Visit to Zimbabwe will be announced later, the Ministry said in a statement.

Chakwera has been a presence in Malawian politics since 2013 as a leader of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) the party that led Malawi’s fight for emancipation from British rule in the early 1960s. On that party’s platform, he ran for president in 2014 and 2019, placing second both times.

Chakwera leads the Tonse Alliance, a group of nine opposition parties that he and his then running mate Saulosi Chilima forged to defeat former President Peter Mutharika.

Source – Byo24