gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mahofa collapses and dies after Grace Mugabe threats over party slogan – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mahofa collapses and dies after Grace Mugabe threats over party slogan

The late Minister of State for Masvingo, Shuvai Ben Mahofa
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THE nation has been plunged into mourning following the sudden death of Minister of State for Masvingo Provincial Affairs Shuvai Ben Mahofa early this morning.

She has also been a victim of suspected food poisoning at a party function and last month she was accused and threatened by Grace Mugabe of leaving her name in party slogans.

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Minister of Information, Media & Broadcasting Services Dr Chris Mushohwe confirmed the sad development.

“Minister Mahofa collapsed and was rushed to Makurira Hospital where she died around 4 am this morning,” he said.

A veteran politician, Mahofa joined the National Democratic Party in 1960, before joining Zapu when the NDP was banned, she later moved to Zanu from 1979, and his been a ruling party cadre till her demise.

A war collaborator during the liberation struggle, Mahofa was a long-serving MP for Gutu South and has held several party and Government positions, among them Deputy Minister of Women Affairs; and Minister of State for Masvingo Provincial Affairs, a position she held to this day.

She is survived by four children and 27 grand children.

(Details to follow)