gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Madhuku to challenge Mnangagwa and Chamisa in 2023 polls – The Zimbabwe Mail

Madhuku to challenge Mnangagwa and Chamisa in 2023 polls

Lovemore Madhuku
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NATIONAL Constitutional Assembly (NCA) president, Lovemore Madhuku has hinted at his participation in upcoming 2023 harmonised elections.

The University of Zimbabwe (UZ) law lecturer has contested previous presidential polls, the last being against his erstwhile benefactor President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who has gifted him a vehicle, among other trinkets, for his role in the Political Actors Dialogue (POLAD) platform.

POLAD is a grouping of 2018 presidential aspirants established at the behest of Mnangagwa couched as a political negotiating caucus.

Posting his New Year message on social media, the tutor-cum-politician said he was going to exercise his right to vote and be elected into public office.

“2023:Know it all that in the year 2023, I will exercise to the full two of my constitutional rights without fear, without favour and without equivocation:1) the right to vote in secret and 2) the right to stand for election for public office, and if elected, to hold such office,” said Madhuku.

The steep nomination fees set by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) for presidential contestants pegged at US$1 000 seems not deterrent for Madhuku.

Despite his unwavering determination to land the presidency, he fared dismally in past plebiscites, while NCA candidates have failed the scrap even a single local authority or parliamentary seat.

Madhuku’s participation in elections is largely viewed by detractors as a sideshow to give credence of a supposed democratic society.

In a development that could spell rich pickings for the constitutional law expert, unconfirmed reports say Mnangagwa’s Zanu PF has roped in Madhuku to analyse the contentious Zimbabwe Elections Commission (ZEC) delimitation report ahead of 2023 harmonised elections.