gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Machete gangs at Jumbo Mine are MDC project – ZANU PF – The Zimbabwe Mail

Machete gangs at Jumbo Mine are MDC project – ZANU PF

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ZANU PF Mashonaland Central provincial member Tracy Mudimu has sensationally claimed that the machete gangs wrecking havoc at Jumbo mine are a MDC project meant to cause civil unrest and coup president Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Addressing Zanu pf supporters at Jumbo mine stadium on Saturday Mudimu urged local artisanal miners to endure the on-going police blitz “Chikorokoza Ngachipere” and let police flash out machete weilding gangs.

“The on-going operation Chikorokoza Ngachipere is meant to flash out MDC machete gangs who were trained in Botswana to cause civil unrest and coup the president hence you should endure the pain but it is for the good of the country,” Mudimu said.

She added that residents from Jumbo should benefit from illegal mining by scratching the surface in search of gold and not trespassing into the big mine.

“As a party we have always said our local people should benefit from their natural resources and we agreed that you scratch on the surface and get little gold for your upkeep without trespassing into the big mine but this operation has stopped everything but you should not worry as your leaders we will stand by you,” she said amid thunderous cheering.

Mudimu also told Jumbo residents to police striking teachers who she claimed are working with the opposition.

“We hear there are rogue teachers who are working with MDC by absconding work ,may you please be on look out and if you see a striking teacher inform us in time.”

MDC national executive member Tonderai Samhu rubbished the claims saying machete gangs are sponsored by Zanu pf big wigs.

“It is well-known by every Zimbabwean that machete gangs are a Zanu pf project and the so called sponsors are Zanu pf big guys who is buying this gold it is them so to say it is a MDC project is just rubbish,” Samhu said.

Samhu said teachers are just responding to the current harsh economic environment.

“Striking teachers are not under MDC they are just responding to the current harsh economic environment those words are coming from a clueless government.”

Source – Byo24