gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Khupe’s youths lambasts Zanu PF culture of abductions – The Zimbabwe Mail

Khupe’s youths lambasts Zanu PF culture of abductions

Thokozani Khupe
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YOUTHS belonging to Thokozani Khupe’s  MDC-T have fingered the ruling Zanu PF party as behind the highly condemned abduction and torture of an MDC Alliance MP and two female activists last Wednesday.

MDC Alliance MP, Joanna Mamombe, activists Cecilia Chimbiri and Netsai Marova were allegedly abducted by suspected state security agents after they participated in flash anti-government protests in Harare’s Warren Park suburb.

The three, who were later located at a Business Centre in Mashonaland Central, were allegedly subjected to torture ordeals including sexual abuse by their tormentors who accused them of plotting to overthrow government.

In an interview with the local media, the party‘s national youth assembly chair, Alfred Dzirutwe said the activists’ attacks were state sponsored.

“Zanu PF has continued to use the state to advance its clear plan of being in power forever.

“The violent tendencies are not a new thing and should be condemned by all right-minded citizens.

“We might have our political differences (with MDC Alliance) but it must be noted that an injury to any activist during the course of exercising one’s right to freedom of expression and political association is an injury to all of us,” said Dzirutwe.

The outspoken MDC-T youth spokesperson described the ruling party as a barbaric organisation which does not need velvet gloves when dealing with it.

“Zanu PF is a barbaric party of note and should be treated likewise when responding to the threats and acts that are perpetuated daily.”

Dzirutwe said it was amazing how Zanu PF got the energy to visit abuses on innocent citizens while failing to deploy similar vigour when dealing with economic challenges and corruption.

“Inconsistent policies have brought this country to its knees. To the three MDC Alliance foot soldiers, we wish you speedy recovery,” he said of the activists who have been hospitalised for injuries sustained from the torture ordeal.

The brutal attacks on the three MDC Alliance activists have also received wide condemnation both locally and internationally.

Outspoken Zanu PF politburo member and ex-War Veterans Minister Tshinga Dube has also condemned the alleged abuses of the three politicians.