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Jonathan Moyo a master in theft – Matemadanda

Victor Matemadanda
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The only thing Professor Jonathan Moyo knows very well is how to steal money and is not an authority on Zimbabwean politics, Zanu-PF commisar Victor Matemadanda has said.

Matemadanda was commenting on predictions by Prof Moyo that Zimbabwe will experience another coup in February.

However, February ended and the coup never happened.

“is Jonathan Moyo the standard barometer for this country?

“What I know Jonathan can do best is to steal money from Zimdef, this is what he has successfully done, if we are to talk about Jonathan, let’s talk about the dubious things that he was doing,” said Matemadanda.

He said when Vice President Constantino Chiwenga was sick, he made sensational claims that the former army general was coming back to stage a coup.

“When that did not happen, he sees the President and the Vice President hugging he says ah but Mnangagwa didn’t go to the airport to receive him Chiwenga and it is because Mnangagwa does not love Chiwenga,” said Matemadanda.

“All that confusion and pandemonium coming from Jonathan, and if we are going to make Jonathan a subject of discussion then that will be unfortunate because Jonathan has never said a thing that has ever seen a day’s life.”

Source – Byo24