gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); I’m returning home, I’ve nothing to fear, I did not steal anyone’s money – Kasukuwere – The Zimbabwe Mail

I’m returning home, I’ve nothing to fear, I did not steal anyone’s money – Kasukuwere

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Exiled former Zanu-PF national political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere has said that he will be returning home soon from exile. Kasukuwere fled the country when the military attacked his home at the onset of the military intervention in November last year.

Kasukuwere declared that he has nothing to fear and dared the new authorities to take him to court. In an interview with The Sunday Times, Kasukuwere said,

Home is home and Zimbabwe remains my country. We were accused of corruption and that Mi we are the centre of destroying the economy.

The reason I will go back home is that if I did commit a crime, then I must be brought before the courts and charged. I must answer to the charges of the crimes that I did commit in the country.

It’s courage that should drive you to say:  ‘Let me face whatever has to come my way.’ Why should you carry the stigma of being a criminal when you have not stolen anybody’s money?

If you are charged with corruption and there is evidence of that corruption, so be it.

Kasukuwere also denied reports that he has apologised to President Emmerson Mnangagwa and claims by Jonathan Moyo that he has been negotiating with the military for the past 5 months.  Said Kasukuwere,

Why should I talk to them? If I have apologised to them, why would I still be in exile?

More: The Sunday Times