‘I don’t respond to lunatics’, Chiyangwa hits back at Mliswa as war of words escalates

Philip Chiyangwa
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HARARE – Flamboyant businessman and Zanu PF politician, Philip Chiyangwa has refused to be drawn to a social media fight with Norton Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa who openly threatened to physically assault him.

Commenting on the audio Philip Chiyangwa said “I don’t respond to people below my bar.”

Mliswa and Chiyangwa’s relations soured during the ZANU PF provincial elections when Chiyangwa was accused of backing Mary Mliswa’s opponents.
The feud between the two is viewed as a battle for the control of Mashonaland West province. They are both former provincial chairpersons in Mugabe’s home province.

Sources close to Chiyangwa said Mliswa was in violation of the Potraz Act and criminal charges could be laid against him for his unprintable words against Chiyangwa.

Watch the video below:

Source – Byo24