gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Here’s how the DA’s Mmusi Maimane is on a ‘quest’ to save Zimbabwe – The Zimbabwe Mail

Here’s how the DA’s Mmusi Maimane is on a ‘quest’ to save Zimbabwe

December 01, 2014. DA parliamentary leader Mmusi Maimane gives his party's scorecard of the government over the past year, Cape Town. Pic: Trevor Samson. © Business Day
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The Democratic Alliance and its leader Mmusi Maimane have taken it upon themselves to play a part in resolving Zimbabwe’s current crisis by pushing for foreign intervention.

In January, Zimbabweans embarked on a stayaway that turned violent after the government imposed fuel hikes.

Approaching institutional bodies

On January 28, TimesLIVE reported that the DA was planning on writing to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to intervene in resolving Zimbabwe’s crisis.

Maimane also announced that the DA would approach the UN  commissioner on human rights to urge the council to intervene in the Zimbabwe crisis.

The DA leader has also called for a joint meeting of several parliamentary portfolio committees, including home affairs, international relations and co-operation, police, and defence and military veterans, to discuss the the Zimbabwe crisis.

The party also submitted a motion to the national assembly speaker for the house to debate the matter.

A visit to Zimbabwe 

On January 31, Maimane said that he had requested a meeting with President Emmerson Mnangagwa regarding the violent response towards Zimbabweans protesting in that country.

Maimane said he was intervening on behalf of the Southern African Partnership for Democratic Change, which is a group comprising opposition parties in the SADC region.

Zimbabwe government  to “throw out” Maimane

Government spokesperson George Charamba said that Zimbabwe’s government had no interest in engaging with Maimane.

Maimane said he wanted to meet with Mnangagwa in Harare as part of a fact-finding mission regarding the violent protests.

“If Maimane tries to come here he will be thrown out and will not be allowed to come into the country. We are a sovereign state and not a banana republic,” said Charamba. – Times Live