gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Ginimbi’s sister dies in a bus accident – The Zimbabwe Mail

Ginimbi’s sister dies in a bus accident

Juliet Kadungure - The late Ginimbi's sister
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In a heart-wrenching turn of events, Juliet Kadungure, the sister of the late Zimbabwean socialite and fuel trader Genius Kadungure, commonly known as Ginimbi, has lost her life in a car accident in Tanzania. The devastating twist to this story is that her passing occurred on her brother Ginimbi’s birthday.

Reports suggest that the accident happened while Juliet was on her way back from Tanzania to Zimbabwe. She shared a close bond with her brother Ginimbi, whose life was tragically cut short at the age of 36 in a head-on collision following a nightclub gathering in Harare.

This recent calamity has left many in shock, prompting a multitude of unanswered questions. The precise circumstances surrounding the accident remain obscure, with limited information currently available.

This situation is compounded by the fact that Juliet’s accident coincided with or occurred shortly after Ginimbi’s birthday, which fell on the 10th of October 2023.

News of Juliet’s untimely demise has elicited an outpouring of grief and condolences on various social media platforms, particularly on her Facebook page. Friends, family members, fans, and followers have expressed their sorrow and offered their support to the Kadungure family during this difficult period.

Mourning the loss, Mel Melo Dee sorrowfully says, “Nhai Juliet Kadungure, just like that, here veduwe.”

Denzel Madd Vybz Munyengeterwa pays his respects, stating, “May your soul rest in peace, aShava.”

Tabitha Zowa sends her condolences, “Rest in peace auntie.”

Ruth Masaiti Mangwenya expresses her disbelief, “Nematambudziko nhai, ndandichiti kunyepa ahh.”

Ellen Chidavaenzi empathizes, “Sure, kubirira chaiko. Tarasikirwa. Nematambudziko.”

Ashley Mbaraza shares her grief, “Veduwe saka ichokwadi. Haaaa, pasi hariguti shuwa. Nematambudziko.”

Juliet Kadungure, the eldest sibling in the Kadungure family, was followed by Genius, the late Andrew (who passed away in 2019), and the youngest, Nelia Kadungure. Nelia is now the sole surviving sibling, having lost three older siblings.

Additional details will be provided as they become available.
