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General Chiwenga coming back home

Vice President Constantino Chiwenga
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Ailing Vice President Retired General Constantino Dominic Nyikadzino Chiwenga is coming back to Zimbabwe after more than three months on medical pilgrimage in South Africa and China.

Sources in the Office of Vice President Chiwenga who spoke to this publication  told this reporter that the General has now fully recovered and  the Chinese doctors are satisfied that he can resume his duties.

“The Honourable Vice President has been certified to have been fit by the Chinese medical personel and the Zimbabwean team attending him.” The Source said. “We should be expecting him in the country in the next 14 days all things being equal. You are aware that he had to undergo extreme surgery so he has to take some rest before resuming normal duties. He has started eating solid foods and since he has been visiting the gym in China he has regained some of the strength.”

Chiwenga recently underwent a major operation to clear part of his oesophagus September, before undergoing another operation in October.

Because of the blockage, officials told private media, Chiwenga was unable to eat, resulting in him becoming emaciated due to illness and lack of food.

He was rushed to hospital on landing where he was admitted in the intensive care unit of a state-of-the-art hospital in a high security area before being moved to a private ward, security sources said.

Officials who spoke to the media said that after intensive tests and intensive intravenous feeding, Chiwenga was deemed strong enough to undergo an initial operation to clear his oesophagus. The operation was successful, paving way for the second procedure, which was also a success.

The Ministry of health and child care was not immediately available for comments.

Source – Byo24