gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); G40 allies rubbishes Mzembi death reports – The Zimbabwe Mail

G40 allies rubbishes Mzembi death reports

Former Foreign Affairs minister Walter Mzembi
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SOCIAL media reports claiming former foreign affairs minister Walter Mzembi has passed on have been dismissed as “idle nonsense” by his former political allies.

Exiled for mere higher education minister dismissed the reports as “idle nonsense” when asked about them on Twitter.

Moyo and Mzembi were G40 allies at the height of the factional fighting in Zanu Pf over former president Robert Mugabe’s succession.

Business associates who also spoke to the Mzembi Saturday also told local media that “he’s 100 percent fine”.

According to his lawyer, Job Sikhala, Mzembi is hospitalised in South Africa battling colon cancer.

When the former Zanu PF politician missed a court appearance earlier this week, Sikhala told the magistrate that his condition was now critical and urged the nation to pray for him.

Mzeimbi is facing prosecution for criminal abuse of office during his lengthy spell  as tourism minister.

He briefly served as foreign affairs minister just before then president Robert Mugabe was toppled by a military coup in November 2017.

A loyalist of the veteran leader, Mzembi was part of the G40 Zanu PF faction which was forced to scatter after losing the succession fight to a rival group backing Emmerson Mnangagwa.