gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Fuel dealer’s house up in flames – The Zimbabwe Mail

Fuel dealer’s house up in flames

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AN illegal Shamva fuel dealer is nursing burns at a local hospital after his house which had fuel in stock was gutted yesterday.

Tapiwa Murombedzi (39) of 102 Rugare street, Wadzanai in Shamva sustained burns after trying to put out a fire that gutted his house there by destroying property worth over US$1000.

Mashonaland Central deputy police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Fidelis Dhewu confirmed the case.

“I can confirm that we recorded a fire incident where a fuel tout is in hospital after sustaining burns from the inferno,” Dhewu said.

Allegations are that a minor was preparing super using firewood and fire caught up with a drum of fuel that gutted the house there by burning Murombedzi.

Police warned people to shun illegal fuel dealings.

Source – Byo24