PRETORIA – South Africa’s Commissioner of the Border Management Authority (BMA), Michael Masiapato says good working relations between South Africa and Zimbabwe will help to resolve border challenges between the two countries.
Zimbabwe is in the process of developing a Border Ports Authority Bill whose aim is to establish the Zimbabwe Border Ports Authority.
Border officials from South Africa and Zimbabwe are currently engaged in talks in Pretoria.
Masiapato says Zimbabwe has a lot to learn from the approach of South Africa which has established a new border management system.
“We do believe that moving away from the multi-agency approach, in as far as border management is concerned, to an integrated border management model with a single command in control, is a key step in effective border management. Our focus must be on the legitimate movement of persons and goods across our borders, with the intention to grow our economy and ultimately ensure the realization of regional economic integration. This is very much critical as the step towards the realization and the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area.”
VIDEO | SA-Zim Border | Border Management Authority hosts Zimbabwean counterparts on bilateral visit: