gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Disgruntled Grace Mugabe allies join Mujuru – The Zimbabwe Mail

Disgruntled Grace Mugabe allies join Mujuru

National People’s Party (NPP) Joice Mujuru
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More than 80 members of the Zanu PF’s G-40 faction in Chiredzi are reported to have joined the Joice Mujuru’s National People’s Party (NPP).

Jeffrayson Chitando, the NPP spokesperson, confirmed the development to NewsDay.

“Those that joined Mujuru’s party are former Chiredzi South district political commissar, Taurai Mativenga, Chiredzi North women’s league chairperson, Shuvai Chirunga and Chiredzi West Ward 8 commissar, Ketsia Beni.

One of the defectors, Mativenga said he decided to join NPP after he was labelled a G40 sympathiser and attacked by Zanu PF supporters at an inter-district meeting at Chitsanga Hall last month.

He also said he was informed he was ineligible to contest as a councillor in Ward 7 because of his alleged G40 ties.

Contacted for comment, Zanu PF Masvingo provincial spokesperson, Ronald Ndava dismissed Mativenga’s claims and said no one has been victimised. He also said that people are joining Zanu PF instead.