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Commonwealth Mission reaffirms poll endorsement

Commonwealth Election Observer Mission head with Mnangagwa
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HARARE – The Commonwealth Election Observer Mission has bid farewell today to President Mnangagwa where they reaffirmed their endorsement of the just ended harmonised elections saying they were done in a professional manner.

Head of Mission, Ambassador Amina Mohamed said they were encouraged by the professionalism and efficiency in which the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission handled the polls.

In results announced on Saturday night, Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Chairperson, Justice Priscilla Chigumba declared President Mnangagwa, who was Zanu PF presidential candidate as winner beating his closest rival, Mr Nelson Chamisa of the Citizen Coalition for Change.

Briefing journalists soon after meeting President Mnangagwa at State House this afternoon, Amb Mohamed, said they were going back to compile a final report of their observation work.

“We were encouraged by the environment that allowed election to go ahead in a peaceful manner. We were impressed by the manner the people of Zimbabwe went out to vote and also by the professionalism and efficiency, commitment of polling officers,” she said.