gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Civil servants trashes Mthuli Ncube – The Zimbabwe Mail

Civil servants trashes Mthuli Ncube

Prof. Mthuli Ncube
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Spokesperson of the Apex Council, the umbrella body for civil servants’ unions, David Dzatsunga, has castigated Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube for saying that the government is incapable of raising public servants’ salaries and will only be able to give them allowances.

Dzatsunga said Ncube’s remarks clearly indicate that the government is out of touch with reality. He said:

We only respect pronouncements that arise out of resolutions made in the National Joint Negotiating Council, as they are binding.

If at all this is the government’s position, then it really shows how out of touch it is with the dire incapacitation that is set to impact negatively on service delivery and the livelihoods of its workers.

Following an impasse between civil servants and the government on a salary adjustment on Monday, Treasury said it will pay public workers allowances of between $400 (US$16) and $750 (US$32) starting this Tuesday.

More: NewsDay