gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Chimene couldn’t listen to our advice: MDC-T – The Zimbabwe Mail

Chimene couldn’t listen to our advice: MDC-T

Minister of State for Manicaland Provincial Affairs, Mandi Chimene
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MDC-T has claimed that it used to advise self-exiled former Manicaland Provincial Affairs minister Mandiitawepi Chimene of lack of freedoms in the country, but was ignored, as the firebrand war veteran acted as someone “intoxicated.’’


Chimene, who was a top G40 member, and used to throw vitriol at President Emmerson Mnangagwa, reportedly skipped the border to Mozambique and is reportedly seeking refuge in Burundi after escaping a military operation targeted at “criminals” surrounding former President Robert Mugabe.

MDC-T Manicaland provincial spokesperson Trevor Saruwaka yesterday urged G40 members not to apologise to the current government, as they were exercising their rights when they supported former First Lady Grace Mugabe, who was initially earmarked to be elected the country’s Vice-President at the Zanu PF extraordinary congress.

“When people are in power they should remember one day they will wake up out of power, hence, they must lead with honour and restraint. She (Chimene) went overboard like someone who was intoxicated. Now she is out of power reality has dawned on her,’’ Saruwaka said.

“Remember she (Chimene) is someone who was used to claiming that she was a powerful war veteran. So she should come back to Zimbabwe and enjoy her freedoms. Why is she running away? We used to tell her that there is no freedom in Zimbabwe and she was scornful.’’

He added: “No one should apologise for expressing different views. So all these G40 members who have been apologising, they should stop and come and join us and fight for our freedoms.’’

A number of G40 members have since sent apologies to Mnangagwa for supporting Grace, among them former Zanu PF Manicaland youth chair Mubuso Chinguno, who is reportedly in Lesotho.

Mubuso said he regretted being aligned to G40, claiming that they were misled. A top ally of Grace, Letina Undenge said she was used by the G40 cabal to advance their agenda. – NewsDay