SENIOR Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba has been moved from the police press department where she was head and redeployed to the police Staff College.
In an internal memo circulating on social media, Charamba has since been replaced by her deputy, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi who becomes acting Chief Staff Officer Police Press and Public Relations.
Charamba is among 11 top ranking police officers who have been moved from their different stations to occupy other influential positions within the force.
Reads the memo in part, “The following transfers have been approved and should be implemented immediately…Commissioner Charity Angeline Charamba from Press Public and international Relations to police Staff College as principal.”
Although routine, police transfers are sometimes motivated by political pressures.
Recently, President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration retired the police hierarchy that served under former President Robert Mugabe.
As police mouthpiece, Charamba had almost become a celebrity police officer because of her continued appearance in the press.
She has also blundered in the eyes of the media.
Recently, Charamba denied a video of an off-duty police officer and an armed soldier in uniform assaulting a civilian was captured during recent anti-government protests which elicited a brutal state reaction.
She claimed it was from a 2016 incident.
Charamba was forced to eat humble pie when evidence was put before her that the footage was fresher than she claimed.
She later changed her statement admitting the “arrest” was recent.