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Chamisa speaks on Kwekwe violence

Nelson Chamisa
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CITIZENS’ Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa has strongly condemned Zanu-PF for instigating the violence which rocked his rally in Kwekwe Sunday.

One CCC supporter died while 17 were seriously injured.

The violence was allegedly instigated by a Zanu-PF gang wielding machetes. This behaviour is synonymous with a local Zanu-PF aligned terror gang monikered Al-Shabab, after the Somali-based terrorist group.

Chamisa took micro-blogging site Twitter to express his disappointment.

“And this is what Zanu-PF intruders did to us. They were so angry because of the huge turnout at our rally. They unleashed violence using stones machetes and iron bars,” he tweeted.

Party spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere blamed Vice President Constantino Chiwenga for the violence that erupted moments after CCC president Nelson Chamisa’s arrival.

She quoted Chiwenga’s statement that Zanu-PF will “crush the CCC like lice” as having been inflammatory.

“At least 17 have been hospitalized while one person sadly lost his life following an orgy of violence by Zanu-PF thugs during President Chamisa’s address. They used spears, machetes and iron bars. We condemn the regime’s use of violence against our members,” said Mahere.

“This incitement to violence ought to have no place in a constitutional democracy. Violence against the citizens is not acceptable. We need new leaders.”

Some of the injured were treated by CCC medical assistants following a wave of attacks in the crowd and at the VIP tent occupied by the party’s top brass.

Source – NewZimbabwe