gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Chamisa Needs Dialogue More Than Mnangagwa – Charamba – The Zimbabwe Mail

Chamisa Needs Dialogue More Than Mnangagwa – Charamba

George Charamba
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HARARE – Presidential Spokesperson, George Charamba Wednesday morning took a swipe at MDC leader Nelson Chamisa, alleging that the opposition leader is In need of a purported national dialogue more than the government does.

Charamba was speaking on a local talk radio station, Capitalk, where he lashed at Chamisa’s statements from yesterday’s press conference in which the opposition party leader made suggestions that he will not accept that Emmerson Mnangagwa is the president.

Chamisa also set out the legitimacy issue as one of the precursors to having a national Dialogue.

However, Charamba believes Chamisa is a mere opposition leader who is in dire need of the dialogue to save his political career.

“One of the leaders of the opposition, still insists that his interlocutor (Mnangagwa) is illegitimate. He needs the dialogue more acutely than everyone else.

“Let’s accept the verdict of the people. He (Chamisa) must acknowledge that ED is the president and that he is the leader of an opposition party,” said Charamba.

The long anticipated national dialogue is set to address the national crisis that has been bedevilling the country.

Chamisa has since appealed to SADC for intervention into the Zimbabwean crisis. -263Chat