gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Britain wants Zimbabwe back in the Commonwealth after the fall of Mugabe – The Zimbabwe Mail

Britain wants Zimbabwe back in the Commonwealth after the fall of Mugabe

Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa and British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson (Image: Daily Express)
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LONDON – British government Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson will welcome one of Zimbabwe’s most senior ministers this week in a thawing of relations between the two nations since the fall of Robert Mugabe and a prelude to rejoining the Commonwealth.

Dr Sibusiso Moyo, the man who announced the overthrow of Mugabe last year, will visit London on Friday. The Foreign Secretary will act as host to Zimbabwe’s Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister Dr Moyo as part of a concerted effort to encourage the African nation to rejoin the Commonwealth.

Re-join the Commonwealth Mr Johnson told The Times: “Zimbabwe is at a pivotal point in its history, with great opportunities ahead for reform and change.

“President Mnangagwa has been in power for 150 days and while Zimbabwe has made impressive progress there is still much to do.

“That’s why Britain, the Commonwealth and the wider international community will do everything it can in supporting Zimbabwe on its path of reform, and I very much look forward to meeting foreign minister Moyo in London to discuss just that.”

Zimbabwe left the Commonwealth 15 years ago, on Mr Mugabe’s orders.

Boris Johnson told The Times: “Zimbabwe is at a pivotal point in its history, with great opportunities ahead for reform and change.” He withdrew Zimbabwe in protest at a suspension a year earlier after a general election marred by violence, which the Commonwealth had declared was neither free nor fair.

Zimbabwe will have only observer status at the Commonwealth Heads of State Summit but it is hoped the country will be re-admitted to the organisation before the end of the year. A formal application to re-join is expected after the general election in July. – Source: The Essential Daily Briefing