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Biti Plotting Against Chamisa, Blame Him For Chamisa’s HardTalk Interview: Acie Lumumba

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Zanu-PF politician and political analyst Acie Lumumba has said that Nelson Chamisa was set up to fail by Tendai Biti when he went to the United Kingdom.

Chamisa’s interview on BBC’s HardTalk has been a talking point over the past week. In a Facebook Live broadcast, Lumumba said Chamisa should have sought advice from Zimbabweans in the United Kingdom such as Alex Magaisa.

He says Biti is trying to capitalise on Chamisa’s weaknesses so that he can takeover. Said Lumumba:

…Nelson Chamisa should have taken advice. But the trouble is Nelson Chamisa is being advised by Tendai Biti. Don’t blame Nelson Chamisa blame Tendai Biti. Tendai Biti is walking Nelson Chamisa down the garden.

You know what that saying means? It means Tendai Biti knows what Nelson Chamisa’s weakness is. So he is taking advantage of Nelson Chamisa’s weakness so that he falls and Biti takes over because Biti is the guy with all the facts, all the big brains.

Nelson Chamisa is the star. So what’s really happening is simple, Biti is ill advising Chamisa. How do you go to the United Kingdom and not call Alex Magaisa?

If you sat down for ten minutes with Alex Magaisa he would have given you a heads up.

Source: Pindula