gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); 7 councillors who ‘plundered’ US$1m worth of stands – The Zimbabwe Mail

7 councillors who ‘plundered’ US$1m worth of stands

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CHIREDZI – The seven Chiredzi Town councillors who resolved and allegedly gave each other 46 free stands in 2014 thereby prejudicing the local authority of over US$1 million are walking scot-free while two of them, councillors Samuel Mashonganyika and Jester Muteyaunga (Ward3) are now late.

Mashonganyika allegedly committed suicide over double allocation of stands in 2020.

The other five councillors were Gibson Hwende (Ward 2), Tarusenga Makamba (Ward 4), Munyaradzi Hatinahama (Ward 6), Costain Mombe (Ward 7) and Ward 8 councillor Anthony Mapfumo.

Former council chairman, Francis Moyo got a bumper 71 residential stands, 11 low density and 60 high density, according to results of investigation contained in the Chiredzi Town Council Investigation Report.

The report which was never released from 2016 up until last month recommended that the entire eight-member council be suspended and replaced with a Commission. This was not done and the councillors went on to complete their terms in 2018 with one of the councillors, Hwende coming back after the 2018 elections with an even higher post as the new council chairman.



The report bemoaned the sudden change in the lifestyles of the eight councillors after getting the free stands. It said that the city fathers had become land barons overnight.

“Sometime in 2014, Chiredzi Town Councillors in connivance with management issued themselves with 46 stands (40 high and 6 low density) per councillor while the council chairman got 71 stands (60 high and 11 low density stands) for onwards distribution to constituency,” reads part of the report.



The recommendation for suspension reads; “The Honourable Minister suspend in terms of section 114 of the Urban Council Act (Chapter 29:15) councillors for Chiredzi Town Council and immediately set up a commission to run the council affairs.”



Meanwhile residents have since receiving the report, reported the case to Police.

Source: Masvingo Mirror