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15 wives businessman in juju fight with son

Tyson Gore and his father Peter
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EVERY family has its secrets. Some are well-known truths, and others are so difficult to prove that they’ve been written off as urban conspiracy theories and hearsay.

A prominent Kwekwe businessman with 15 wives and 69 children is entangled in an ugly fight with one of his sons following chilling suspicions that he was allegedly using juju to catapult himself to a prosperous life and that he also wanted to kill his father as punishment for “ill-treating” his mother.

The super dad Peter Gore (69) is at loggerheads with his son Tyson Gore whom he claimed was in possession of a gun which he is threatening to use to shoot him or send people to kill him within seven days.

So nasty is the fight that the Kwekwe property mogul popularly known as PG has since approached a court to have his son banned from coming to his house.

In his application for an interim protection order Peter said he was now living in perpetual fear of his son.

“Tyson Gore is my son. This is an urgent application for a protection order. The respondent is my son and he is threatening to kill me. He has physically told me that he wants to kill me or to send people to come and kill me. He accuses me of insulting his mother.

“The respondent has a gun and he thus threatened to shoot me. I have reported him to the police under CR03-04-2021 and also CR22-05-21. The application is urgent in that on the 30th of May 2021, the respondent phoned me and informed me that within seven days he would have killed me or sent people to kill me,” reads part of Peter’s affidavit.

Peter said he was now living in fear that his son may live true to his chilling threats of trying to kill him.

“I have therefore approached this honourable court on an urgent basis so that the respondent is interdicted from his illegal actions and be ordered to maintain peace towards me. He thus has to be interdicted from being violent towards me.

“I am also seeking an order that he be interdicted from coming to house number 550/4 Mbizo Kwekwe being my place of residence where he regularly comes to see his mother. This is so particularly in that he may attack me when he visits. I also seek an order that he be interdicted from coming to PG Complex, Kwekwe for the purpose of disturbing my peace,” begged Peter.

In his opposing papers Tyson dismissed his father’s allegations saying he was the one who was always harassing and insulting him in public and in front of other family members.

“Though it is not disputed that I am applicant’s son, it is disputed that I threatened to kill applicant nor told him I have an intention to kill applicant who is my father and put him to strict proof thereof. These are false allegations coined as a self-serving endeavour.

“The truth of the matter is that it is vice versa as it is the applicant who does not respect most of his children who are majors and always harasses and insults us in front of other family members and in public. He even insulted my elder brother in front of other family members saying his mother is a b****,” argued Tyson.
He said his father was also accusing him of using juju to prosper in his business.

“Whenever applicant insults me, he will be in the company of Melinda my former employee. To prove that applicant behaves in an unfatherly manner he didn’t even attend my elder brother’s daughter Lynnet Gore’s funeral. She passed away in February 2021.

“Applicant even provoked me when he said I use juju to prosper in my life and business. However, if the court decides to grant a protection order I pray for a reciprocal order whereof I pray for a dismissal of the applicant’s claim,” he stated.

Meanwhile, in some of the recorded voice calls of some irate family members in possession of B-Metro it is confirmed that the fall-out started when one of Peter’s sons, Malvin’s 21-year- daughter died mysteriously and Peter reportedly refused to attend the funeral wake.

In the same voice notes, the family is also accusing one of Peter’s young wives, Melinda, believed to be 17 years old, and who was also Tyson’s former maid, of dividing the family by ill-influencing Peter to neglect other wives and children.

Melinda is also being accused of using a love potion that makes her irresistibly attractive to her husband despite the fact that he allegedly caught her on several occasions cheating on him.

In May last year, the bsuinessman’s four top-of-the-range vehicles, which include a Chrysler, Rolls Royce, Toyota Prado and an open truck were burnt in a mysterious inferno at his residence in the leafy Newtown suburb.